Senior Leadership Team
Mrs R Hannon
Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Designated Teacher for LAX
Mrs L Johnston
Assistant Head
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Mason
Maths, Assessment and Pupil Progress Lead
Mrs T Harrington-Taylor
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs F Coaker
RE and SIAMS Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Early Years (Nursery and Reception)
Mrs T Harrington-Taylor
Class Teacher - EYFS Leader - Nursery Manager
Miss F Perry
Mrs Sarah Wilkins
Deputy Nursery Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs A Southall
Mrs S Turnbull
Key Stage 1 and 2 Teachers
Mr O Thomas
Mr D Smith
Mrs T Phillips
Miss J Hyde
Mrs K Harford
Mrs L Johnston
Mr J Mason
Miss D Thompson
Mrs F Coaker
We work closely with Worcester University and provide placements for student teachers across all year groups and throughout the year.
Teaching Assistants, Lunchtime and Busy Bees Team Members
Mrs M Barklam
Ms R Booth
Mrs S Lockey
Lunchtime Lead
Mrs A Southall
Mrs T Addis
Mrs L Griffiths
Mr Z Webster
Miss C Gregg
Mrs E Caddick (SALT)
Mrs J Warren
Mrs S Turnbull
Wraparound Care Manager
Admin Team
Mrs S Wherry
Office Manager
Mrs A Rudge
Administrator and Attendance Officer
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
External Support
We are also lucky to have the following specialists working alongside our team
Mr N Bond
PE and Sports Specialist
District Sports
Mrs Z Lynch
Attendance, Family Support and Counselling
ZL Attendance Consultancy