Want a place at Hallow School? For all admissions information, please see the school admissions page here: Hallow Admissions

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information and Support Click here to see all that Hallow School offers to support children with SEND: SEND
School Payments
Payments for school lunches, trips, etc. may now be made online at School Money. Please speak to the School Office for more details.
Class Dojo
Each class uses Class Dojo to communicate the day to day goings on in school. Sign up for the app/ get more information here: ClassDojo
At Hallow, we have a number of forms which we use to keep information updated or request forms for you to use, these are included at the bottom of this page.
School Dinners
Our hot lunches (Year R- 6) are provided by Bowlfuls and can be ordered directly from them using their website: Bowlfuls
Free School Meals
Apply online for Free School Meals for your child: Online FSM Application
If you would like to order milk for your child (this will be free until they are 5), you can order directly from: Cool Milk