The Church of England vision for education is educating our children for ‘life in all its fullness’. At Hallow Church of England Primary School our Christian values are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ; Love, Peace, Courage, Resilience, Uniqueness, Family, JOY and Faith. These values are embedded in the daily life of the school and have a significant impact on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all members of the school community.
We believe a daily act of worship provides an opportunity for children to create and participate in shared experiences of celebration, praise and thanksgiving to God.
We aim to enable pupils to reflect on our core Christian values and other values and beliefs to:
- Encourage children’s natural sense of awe and wonder of God’s creation.
- Develop the qualities of curiosity, celebration and gratitude which form the foundation of worship.
- To develop a sense of community.
- Explore and reflect on the meaning and purpose of important life issues and give an opportunity to respond to questions relating to life and beliefs.
- Develop a sense of meaning, value and purpose.
- Celebrate difference and diversities.
- Explore a variety of forms of worship.
- Encourage participation and response.
- Encourage the development of spiritual and moral awareness.
- Provide aspirations for our children.
Weekly Timetable
Acts of worship are led by Teachers, local clergy, staff, pupils and guest speakers.
An example of our Weekly Timetable:
Act of worship
Whole school collective worship reflecting on ‘A Big Question’
Whole school collective worship reflecting on British values, current affairs and big questions
Whole school collective worship - Delivered by the Year 6 CREW
Whole school worship through song
Whole school collective worship - theme of the week and celebration
Presentation of Christian value awards and stars of the week
Picture News
As part of our collective worship time we use a resource called Picture News. The weekly resource has been designed to expose children to current affairs, discover their interests and bring the world closer to their everyday lives. As part of this resource they provide a 'take home' which allows parents to discuss with their children the main story that has been focussed on in school that week.
Church Services 2024-25
Harvest 2024
Remembrance 2024
Christmas Carol Service 2024
Eucharist 2025
Easter 2025
Patronal Festival 2025
Year 5 and 6 Play 2023
EYFS and KS1 Nativity 2023
[each will be a link to photos]
Termly Termly Worship Plan