Friday Mornings 10am-11.30am Hallow School Hall
Our friendly parent and baby group operates in our main school hall every Friday 10am-11.30am, term time only. Sessions are hosted by a member of our Nursery team, usually Mrs Sarah Wilkins (Deputy Nursery Manager) and involve a range of activities suitable for children aged 0-4. Sessions culminate with a story and singing and the activities on offer will usually link to a current theme.
Anyone is welcome to attend the sessions with a child, even if they don’t live in Hallow, or don’t have children attending our school. Please pop along and see what we offer.
Sessions are priced at £4 per week or 6 sessions for £20 (payable in advance). If paying for the 6 sessions these do not have to be taken in a block, we understand how busy life can get and we also understand that sometimes you or your little one isn’t well enough to attend.
Changing facilities are available and parents are welcome to bring snacks or drinks for their little one. We ask that hot drinks are not taken into the hall and we do not provide a hot drink facility, however our neighbours at the café are more than happy to host brunch or coffee before or after the sessions.
Should we have to cancel or rearrange sessions, updates will be posted here as well as contacting any regular parents for whom we have contact details. If you attend regularly, please consider leaving your number with us so that we can let you know if, for any reason, we have to cancel a session.