If you live in Worcestershire and your child is due to start school in Reception or to transfer from First to Middle school or Primary/Middle to High school, then you must apply to Worcestershire County Council for his or her school place.
How do I apply?
- Apply online at worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions
- You will need an email address
- You will be sent an email to acknowledge receipt of your submitted application
- If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any Worcestershire library.
- Join the Library and use your Library card to get one hour internet access free each day.
- Training on "How to get online" is available free to all Worcestershire Library members.
Or telephone School Admissions on 01905 822700 if you need assistance.
Parents of children resident outside Worcestershire
If you wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, you must complete an application provided by your 'home' LA. (The 'home' LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the child's home address). The 'home' LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.
If you are not resident in Worcestershire, then you should obtain admission details from your home LA, even if your preferences include schools within Worcestershire.
If applying after the closing date deadline, you will need to visit www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions or telephone: 01905 766524 to request a Late application form.
N.B. Places in schools are allocated on the basis of applications made online on or before the closing date. Therefore, it is very important that you apply by the closing date as applications received after the deadline may be classed as late and you may be unsuccessful, even if you have a child there already or live very close to the school. You are advised to refer to the Admissions and Transfers to Schools Information for Parents book at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions for full details.
In-Year Applications
If you would like to move schools within a school year, or you have just moved to Worcestershire and need to apply for a place in a Worcestershire school, you will need to complete an In-Year Application form online. You will need to ensure an Education History Form is completed by your child’s current or most recent school. (See below to download this form)
Once completed, you will need to apply online via the Worcestershire County Council website. Your completed Education History Form can either be uploaded with your online application or sent to School Admissions at
Full details of how to apply, can be found on the following link.
For more information:
In Year Transfers
Information for Parents Book 2023-24 - Existing Year Groups
How will I know that you have received my application?
The School Admissions Team will write to parents, usually within 10 days with a decision and, if necessary, of the right to appeal.
Parents may only make one application for a child in one academic year unless there are significant or material changes in the circumstances of the child, parent or the school.
Please see below the links to the documents you will need.
Appealing an Admissions Decision
The Appeals Team, based at County Hall in Worcester, make arrangements for appeals where the Admission Authority (AA) has not met a parent's preference for a particular school. The Appeals Team also deals with appeals where a pupil has been excluded from a school on a permanent basis.